Monday, March 31, 2014

Did you think to pray?

This week we have had our small little miracles with God. There was a day this week where everything was rough.  We couldn't find any members to come with us in our lessons and all of our citas(visits) fell through. We  felt so discouraged.  Then my comp stops me and told me we need to pray. It was not like her at all.. BECAUSE WE NEVER STOP. Never ever. Belgrano is a like a ticking time bomb- you have to keep moving as fast as you can! You dont have time to stop and think! 
But man was I sooo grateful for this moment. We realized we just needed to stop and breathe and remember whats most important. We sat on the sidewalk and prayed. And prayed. And prayed. To help God lead us to the people who need him. And that we could reach our goals for that day and find a member para acompanarnos. After the prayer.. I felt so much peace. Even though it was super busy in Belgrano.. it was like God had slowed everything--time was in slow motion. He filled our hearts and minds with peace. We got up from the sidewalk AND this sweet member, Adela, comes walking in our direction. She asked us if we needed somebody to go with us and were like YAAAAA!!! :) So then we walk a little further and came to the vegetable stand. :) WE had forgotten about a reference we received from Adela and she led us straight there.  Anyways we started talking to her, Georgina, and shes interested in the church! Shes 17 years old and her sister Marina is 20. :) Whats so amazing about this is that before we felt like our target for investigators were going to be young women :) WOW does God answer prayers. :) AS we were talking.. I thanked God in my head for leading us to these girls. 
GOD ANSWERED OUR PRAYERS THAT DAY. IT WAS DEFINETLY AN ALMA 26:27 MOMENT. :) 27 Now when our hearts were depressed, and we were about to aturn back, behold, the Lord bcomforted us, and said: Go amongst thy brethren, the Lamanites, and bear with cpatience thine dafflictions, and I will give unto you success.

I know life can be sooo busy but remember whats most important. From now on I will take some time to think and ponder and then have a conversation with my Heavenly Father because that is what is so important to me.

SO Marcos is doing sooo good. His BAPTISMl is this Sunday. But guess what?! He has to get baptized in the ward where he lives! GAHH that is what is sooo hard about Belgrano! Nobody lives here. They all work here. :/  We were so sad about that. But hey, were gonna help everyone. POR QUE SON ALMAS NO SON FECHAS.  SAVE EVERY SOUL!  EVERY SINGLE SOUL ;)

Bueno. I love you all. 
Chauu. CARRY ON!

Monday, March 24, 2014

Forget about yourself

Wow. Belgrano... my rich little city. I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! I NEVER BEEN SO TIRED IN MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D YOU KNOW WHAT IS SOOO GREAT ABOUT THE CAPITAL?!! There are soooooo many people. And we talk to all of them! My comp has the same personality as me! We LOVE to find new people and share the gospel with smiling faces. :) Were sooo happy together! Were like the happiest couple ever. Hahaa.
So funny story. We have this goal that if we see someone that we need to talk to... we pray.. and then we just go get em . :) So I say this guy.. and I started to talk to him. LOL the hardest thing about Argentina--- ALL OF THEM LOOK LIKE AMERICANS. I totally was talking to this guy in Castellano and he didnt understand. :) So for the first time in literally five months I started to talk in English-- it was ABSOLUTELY HORRRRIBLE!! I forgot how to talk in English. lolololol the guys like.. I like your accent. are you from here? HAHAHA. YES- I am Marie the original Argentine!! So he has a ton of mormon friends and is interested!! and HE LIVES IN SEATLE!
okay so i have this huge testimony of ward missionary work. i cant stress enough how important the ward members are in the work!! They all have their friends who aren't mormon and this Sunday seriously every person brought a friend! It was magical!! It was the happiest feeling. It truly felt like a family. Now is the time mis amigos to start praying and ask God who you can talk to about the gospel. It doesnt have to be a big huge lesson.. just open your mouth and God will give you the words. He will lead you to the right person. Something in my gut tells me that this will be talked a lot in this upcoming conference. All my peeps in Utah... even though you all have your mormon friends.. go out and find someone who desperately needs something in their lives and share your testimonies with them, many times that just simply looks like kindness.  You´ll be amazed at the joy you will feel. :) Just like it says in DYC !8:16
 16 And now, if your joy will be great with one soul that you have brought unto me into theakingdom of my Father, how great will be your bjoy if you should bring many csouls unto me!
 We got A TON OF INVESTIGDORES!!! I gotta tell you a story. So all of the members live in rich houses. Its not like Lima where you clap at the doors... they actually have DOORBELLS!! lol. So ya. we went to this HOUSE that had less active member.. but she wasnt there. But the guy who works at the desk stopped us and started asking us these questions!! 
 We gave him a hand out and our contact info and left. We didnt think anything of it.. cause we hand out a billion of those cards every day.. but later that night he sent us a text and told us he went to and he wants to learn more!!  His name is Marcos. Marcos is 30 years old and has a girlfriend but isnt married.  But I will never forget the feelings that we all felt when we sang I stand all amazed with him after a discussion.  He was choked up and said for the first time in my life i feel like God has forgiven me. Its amazing what music can do. I love the power of music and the spirit it brings in our lessons.
He still has a lot he needs to do. But were keeping the faith with him. Marcos is legit. He wants to change. I think thats the best thing to see on the mission. To see people have this desire to change and improve their lives. Hes on the path. :) 
We had divisions this week! I went to Juncal with Hermana Dunn! Juncal is AWESOME YALL!!! It has one of the worlds BEST theaters.   Its soooo beautiful! We ran past in the morning and it was playing the most beautiful symphonic music.  It is a very beautiful historically rich city.
Hermana Dunn is fantastic. shes from Idaho and this is her last transfer! her SPANISH is beautiful!! Shes soo good with the people. I learned through her that its sooooo important to listen and then follow what the spirit tells you to do. she gave me soo much confidence!! After having an english companion for 2 days.. I realized that Ive been lonely for  long time without realizing it!! Thats another thing on the mish.. you forget that you are lonely. hah i cant describe it. but its all good cause Ive had God with me this whole time. but.... I was soooo grateful to have her and talk to her about the mission!! She told me that EVERYONE on their mission goes through a big change process.. it happened to her in her 8th month on the mish. She told me thats when she started to forget about herself. everytime she wanted to complain or think about herself... she would say her investigdores names out loud. Now she says its fun to think about them and loves to talk about them. I was soo amazed!! I wanna be like that.
i realized that the mission in a way is a like GIANT CLEANSING PROCESS. In the beginning I was sooooo prideful (im still workin on it.:/) and thought sooo much about me and my own comforts and my feelings about everything but seriously i feel myself changing into an improved Marie. I used to dread waking up at 6.30 in the morning. but now I jump outta my bed and get ready for the day! First we go out running and then come back and do our ab workouts!! You need a strong core if you are going to be a strong missionary people!   We listen to the best music. my music. .) and hermana Torres has some awesome music! INCLUDING ERIN THOMAS´s hit: mountains to climb! Erin shoutout to you! Seriously you dont even realize how much your song is changing my life. 
Anyways theres two more songs that Ive fallen in love with. these two songs have helped me through some of the hard days i have in Belgrano. The first song is called I am his daughter.  Sometimes when Im out on the streets of Belgrano I look at all of these women and sing this song.  
The photos in the magazines
Don't dictate who I'm supposed to be
The world can't recognize, all that I am inside
But I know in His eyes, I am a part of, the bigger picture,

There's so much more to me
He helps me see that I have so much to offer
I am His daughter
He loves me the way I am,
He's my strength when I stand
He is my King, and my Father,
I am His daughter.

The people on the TV screen,
The leaders, rulers, and queens
I watch them shape the world,
And though I'm just a girl, I still know for sure,
That I am a part of, the bigger picture

There's so much more to me
He helps me see that I have so much to offer
I am His daughter
He loves me the way I am,
He's my strength when I stand
He is my King, and my Father,
I am His daughter

And when I'm feeling small,
And wondering if I'll ever, find courage to stand tall
Through His love I remember

There's so much more to me
He helps me to see that I have so much to offer
I am His daughter
He loves me the way I am
He's my strength when I stand
He is my King, and my Father,
I am His daughter

last song:  BOO our fav singer.. mindy gledhill. i dedicate this song to you emmy emms. :) love you!!

Sent to this earth
You were saved through the ages for this day
and time
Child of great worth
Child of promise, daughter of the Divine
Pure and holy in a little, white dress
You were held in a circle and you were
And the Father looked down
And the angels surrounded that place
They knew the truth, all that you could do
And you will, too, if you have eyes to see
What heaven sees in you
Dressed in white once more
Making promises to follow in God’s way
So much lies in store
For the little girl who enters at the gate
Pure and holy in a little, white dress
You were led into the water and you were

Do you understand who you are
Part of the Father lives in you
If you continue on this path
Every promise God has given will come true
Heaven on earth
In the house of God, so much fills your heart
and mind
Woman of great worth
Woman of promise, daughter of the Divine
Pure and holy in a long, white dress
You promise forever and you are blessed
And the Father looks down
And the angels surround that place
They know the truth, all that you can do
And you do, too, ‘cause you have eyes to see
What heaven sees in you
Will you have eyes to see
What heaven sees in you 


Monday, March 17, 2014

Dear Springville High School, WE CAN DO HARD THINGS!

My dearest friends at my beloved Springville High School,


This week I am doing my letter a little different.  I have really wanted to talk to all of my friends back at Springville High School, two of whom are my own brother and sister.  I have been thinking how my whole high school experience was about trying to figure out about how to FIT IN- how to be the best sports player, get the best grades, and get the solo.  Whos with me here?  Who understands what Im saying?  Without realizing it, our whole experience becomes about fitting in.  We feed ourselves with these accomplishments, or we berate ourselves with the lack of.  I am the MASTER of trying to fit in, not stick out, and live my life based on the amount of accomplishments.  But something is happening to me on my mission that I feel like I wanted to tell my friends.  I think it might help relieve some of the  heavy, crushing pressure of how we judge ourselves.

I have a NEW testimony.  It feels groundbreaking to me, although I know for most people its not.  Ok you might want to sit down for this.  ITS NOT ABOUT FITTING IN!  Its not about having that boyfriend or girlfriend, its not about always making the team, and its not about being the super star.  ITS ALL ABOUT YOU AND GOD!  I promise.  Thats all that matters, in high school and after high school.  I know for a fact God LOVES ALL OF HIS PRECIOUS SONS AND DAUGHTERS!  ALL!   He has equal love adoration and mercy for the kid at Springville High who appears to have the perfect life (which nobody does) as he does for the kid who appears to be in constant turmoil and trouble.  He has a plan for every single life.  EVERY SINGLE ONE.  The kid you ignore every day, is most likely preparing to do great things on the planet that would shock you to pieces.  I have one year and one mission experience on you guys and this is what I have learned in that very short time......ALL PEOPLE DEEP DOWN ARE EXACTLY THE SAME in Gods eyes.  A mission is like a huge highschool.  You get ALL kinds of people.  You have the rich kids, the quiet kids, the rude kids, the models, the nerds, the jocks, the popular and well loved, and the poor and lonely.  Mean kids, sad kids, funny kids, and crazy nice kids.  There is one thing that brings us together if we are humble and will just remember.  We all have pain.  We all hurt sometimes.  We all feel broken in different ways.

I have met so many poverty stricken poor people.  They barely eat and have one pair of clothes.  Can you imagine walking into high school every day with the same outfit????????? Recently I have met some of the richest people I have ever known.  They are very successful in the business world and yet, they also have a tremendous sadness in their eyes.  They are lonely.  It is because they are missing the one thing that will ever fill up the lonliness.  Its not popularity.  Its not an award telling you that you are the BEST ONE.  Its God.  Pure and Simple.  Its a relationship with God.

And this is where a piece of my heart still seems to be back in the high school in Springville.  We think if we look a certain way, or DO certain things, we will be enough.  We will finally be ok.  Maybe, just maybe, we will be sufficient.  HIS LOVE IS SUFFICIENT TO MAKE US WHOLE.  He loves you.  He does not love you on a love meter that changes day to day.  Can you imagine never being able to rely on a God to love you?  Or how much or if he will at all?  No, you have one stable thing in your life that never changes, no matter how much you are hurting or struggling.  HIS LOVE FOR YOU.  HE KNOWS WHO YOU ARE.  I feel impressed to make a plea with my friends back home.  PLEASE LOVE EVERY SINGLE PERSON AT OUR HIGH SCHOOL THE SAME!  Those halls are full of hurting and broken hearts.  I know this.  And its time for the heroes of SPRINGVILLE HIGH SCHOOL to come together and forget popular.  I promise you there are people at school who are really suffering.  You may be to.  If you are, then you are the perfect person to reach out to someone else.  Because you know what it feels like, you will know how  to help.  You just need to be brave.  Outer appearances mean nothing.  Popular kids need love and healing.  Kids who sit alone at every single class and event need love and healing.  Look at people with more love and practice feeling hopeful- happy feelings for yourself.  I know from personal experience on my mission that as you do this, YOU WILL SERVE LIKE THE SAVIOR DID EVERY SINGLE DAY!

I know what you are thinking.  I thought it to.  How can I talk to that kid who barely talks back?  How do I talk to someone who wont make eye contact or makes me feel dumb?  How can I forgive the teacher who gave me an F?  How do I get through constant rejection, or never dating, or someone who broke up with me?  How do I tell my parents I have failed ONE MORE a test, at a tryout, at drivers ed;)  How do I maintain my social life and grades and extra activities and not crack?  How do I handle the constant anxiety that I am never good enough?  How on earth do I reach out to make someone elses experience more comfortable when I am struggling so badly myself?  Why do I have to go to seminary, no one ever talks to me?  Why do I have to plaster a fake smile on my face in the hall and act nice?  HOW DO I SHOW UP AT SCHOOL WITH A GIGANTIC ZIT ON MY FACE?  How do I face my coach I just let down in the last game?  How do I tell my coach give me another chance?  How do I graduate with all of these freaking tardies?  How do I show up at school when I just lost one more stupid election?  How can I show up looking so fat?  How can I show up looking so skinny and weak?  How do I go anywhere when I have no friends?  Shes so much prettier than me.  Hes so much smarter than me.  How do I ever find the words to tell anyone high school is really kinda scary and lonely and sometimes sad?  How can I go to school, much less, do my life, when someone in my family just died?  Who could ever understand that pain in a high school?  How do I do homework when there is a divorce going on at home and no one at school knows or cares.  Who could possibly understand that kind of pain?  How do I deal with this sickness or injury that no one pays any attention to but causes me so much heartache?  HOW CAN ONE SINGLE TEENAGER LIKE ME, WITH SO MANY ISSUES, MAKE ONE BIT OF DIFFERENCE IN THE WORLD.  HOW CAN A LONELY SOUL HEAL THE LONELY?  It really seems like there is no way.  The fear of it all could literally overtake you.




Someday every one of you will graduate and leave that high school.  We all go our separate ways.  We leave our families, we go away for missions or school or jobs.  We get married and we begin our own families.  Guess what I just realized?  It actually gets HARDER!  I KNOW!  I THOUGHT HIGH SCHOOL WAS THE TOP OF THE HARDNESS LEVEL!  I thought it would get easier---darn!


As a missionary Ive learned doing it afraid is the most brilliant thing we can do. If you feel afraid, its ok, just go ahead and do it afraid.   In retrospect, I have been in Gods hands my whole life.  I wish I had a better understanding on this, I would have done high school less afraid.  I promise you if you do things afraid, and just trust in him, he will lead you to miracles.  You will do things you never dreamed someone like you could do. Don't waste your high school opportunity worrying about your own popularity.  Use it to help and lift others.  BE BRAVE.  You always have God on your side.


I have failed at many things.  I have spent to much time being a benchwarmer.  And I make lots of mistakes, especially on my mission.  But these things only make you stronger.  I didnt used to think I could speak to strangers in a crazy new language and teach them a lesson in less than five minutes.  But WE CAN DO HARD THINGS SPRINGVILLE HIGH SCHOOL.  YOU, ME, AND EVERY AWESOME KID COMING BEHIND US.  Lets pave the way of people who do hard things to make the world a better place.  ALWAYS LEAVE PEOPLE BETTER THAN YOU FOUND THEM.  If your hurting over anything, endure it with a good attitude, and joy will come eventually.

Hard things can be beautiful.  Be grateful for your personal struggles.  In fact pray to be able to overcome everything sent your way.  Every hard thing brings you close to God.  If you can do hard things yourself, he will put you in the way of others trying to do hard things because you will know what to say and to do to lift them up.

Heavenly Father brushes my hair with the wind in Argentina and kisses my face with the Argentine sun and tells me "Oh Marie you are doing better than you think you are.  Miracles are on the horizon."

High School friends, we were made to do hard things.  Our small community can change the world with what is happening within those walls of seminary and high school.  Your potential is great.  Don't let temporary setbacks erase your ability to see twenty or thirty years into your future of amazing life.  He hears every word you pray.  You are so much stronger and more powerful than you think.  Use your talents and be kind to yourself with weakness.  Serve your peers, ESPECIALLY THE ONES YOU SEE SUFFERING.  But never assume that someone has no struggles.  Just assume they do.  He gives us pain and hard experiences so that we have the lesson made solid to us that we cant do it alone.  We need him.  And he needs us to do his work.


If you are ever walking down the halls and feel alone, remember Hermana Terry loves you and is there with you in spirit.  Keep your hope on a brighter and more loving world.  And never stop planning how you will be part of that plan.  I LOVE YOU FRIENDS!

Hermana Marie Terry
representing the Terry family and Jesus Christ (thats what my nametag says ;)

p.s.  If anyone is wondering  if you should serve a mission, you will never ever regret the decision to go.  Carry on!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Happy is an understatement

I love this little boy so much I cant even express it! I will miss my little friend!
My precious Damian

My new beautiful companion

HOLY FLIP FLIPPITY FLIPPIN FLOPS. HERMANA TERRY IS IN THE CAPITAL. BELGRANO Y'ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RICHEST PART IN ALL OF THE MISSION. WOWWWWW. Holy smokes. What a change my friends!!! My district leader told me that Lima to Belgrano is probably the most dramatic change in all of the mission. Haha. Wow. And I hear theres a ton of norte americanos aca. Que bueno. :) 
AND MY COMP?!!!!!! HERMANA TORRES FROM MEXICO!!!!!!!!!!!! SHES ALREADY MY FAVORITE COMPANION!! SHE came from La Boca! WE'RE OPENING A NEW AREA! WE BOTH KNOW NOTHING ABOUT BELGRANO !! VAMOS A VER! ELLA ES UNA CAPA. Shes a super awesome missionary. EVERY HERMANA in our mission adores her!! Im beyond happy, happy is an understatement!!!!!!!!!!!! Ahhh.

- guys I gotta good feeling about this transfer. :)

Anyways.. about my week. Very bittersweet. God was preparing me.. thats for sure. When our zone leader called us last night and told me I was leaving to Belgrano... I wanted to CRY! Hahaha I did not want to leave my lovely Lima. Provencia alll the way man. But now that Im here.. I feel like Im at home. We have 170 miembros! Do you people really know how much that is?  When you come from chasing dogs and kids around church, and your tempted to count the dogs as attendees for the Sunday, because your pushing fourteen people, I feel like I died and went straight to the Celestial Kingdom!  How great! And members of the 70. :) 
DAMIAN SE BAUTIZO!!! Oh my heavens. Can I just say I love baptisms?!! He was so cute. He came an hour early cause he didnt wanna miss his baptism. :) He was smiling from ear to ear when he came out of the water. AFter the baptism I asked him how he felt. He told me that when he was in the water he could see Dios hugging su hijo Jesucristo. I bawled. His spirit is soooo strong. And THEN IT GETS BETTER.HIS CONFRIRMACION BENDICION was the best thing ever. That is my favorite part. :) It said that hes going to serve a full time mission!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY HEART LITERALLY EXPLODED!!!!!!!! Ahh I love love love that cause Damian would always question us.. when can i be a missionary? He is definitely a nino that God has prepared to join the gospel at a young age so that he can prepare now!! Im gonna miss Damian like crazy. :(

I wanna say that I love LIMA. Analia, Wanda, Lumi, Facu, Damian, Carla, Trini, Regina, Jorge, Nicol, Kevin, Alan, Gonzalo, LOS ELDERES, HERMANA VELAZQUEZ.... TODO!!!! You have blessed me and changed my heart that I am lifetime in debt to you.  Forever my love Lima!

Well.. ya. I LOVE YOU ALL! SORRY ITS SHORT- not much time this week, gotta go enjoy all the  flushing toilets! UNTIL NEXT WEEK!!

Monday, March 3, 2014

Dogs and kids and missionaries running in church!

 Watch out Lima- I'm here to LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 These two precious people got baptized last Saturday
 The two elders and sisters on Pday.  I so love Lima!
 This right here is why you should be jealous of me.  I get to see this kind of precious every single day!
 So after my feet fiasco we got some bikes.  Yes bikes are the answer from heaven!
 Dont look at the selfie, look at the beautiful green gorgeousness that is Argentina
 People my feet are so much better!  Still a little war torn but honestly so much better than two weeks ago
 Our darling friend
Hermana Terry loves loves loves loves loves loves loves her bike!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WOWOWOWOWOWWOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MAX IS GOIN TO SANTIAGO NORTE CHILE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHH I FOUND OUT ON FRIDAY AT APRROXIMATELY 1:30 PM THROUGH HERMANO SANCHEZ!!!!!!!!!! WOW! I WAS BAWLING I WAS SO HAPPY!!!!! MAX YOURE COMIN TO SOUTH AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

I had A DREAM OF MAX SPEAKING IN PERFECT SPANISH ON WEDNESDAY. Ive been praying allllll week asking the big man upstairs if he could just gimme a little hint where my bros goin;) He totally did!! I woke up Thursday morning and I though to myself Max is going to South America. 
:):):) YAY!!!!!!!!!! Max!! Weve never been separated!! Even on our missions.. were right next to each other. :D KINDA ADORBS. :D

 ARGENTINES HATE HATE  HAAAAAAATE CHILEANS! HAHAHAHA. When HQ was my comp we would always make fun of the chilean missionaries. HAHAHAHA.  WE CAN NEVER BE FRIENDS. ;)

Oh man. Oh man. Seriously ALL OF LIMA AND THEIR DOGS know about Max going to Chile. :) Heh I was pretttttyyy excited. 

 Ive fasted and prayed for the familia Ramirez. When Thursday came around I felt like I was on top of the world. We were gonna invite them to baptized for the billioneth time and they were gonna say yes. :) I just knew it!
But thats not how it went down.. sadly. :( We went to their house and Cinita and the two kids were home. We shared some awesome verses in 3 Nefi capitulo 9. IT WAS SO AWESOME AND SO SPIRITUAL. Yesss.
And then we started talking about baptism and Cintia was suuuper close minded about it. But that didnt stop us. We testified with all of the energy in our souls that we knew the church of jesus christ could benefit them and HELP their family come closer together through the ordinances and covenants they make with padre celestial. She didnt wanna hear it. :(

I walked away feeling soooooo sad and so frustrated with myself. WHY WHY WHY was I feeling sooooo strong that we needed to visit them one last time?!! So ya. I was feelin a little frustrated. 
And then I prayed. Cried and prayed and asked Him why was I feeling this way. And without fail every time God came to me in my head and told me that I dont need to worry. That I needed to trust him and that THERE WAS A REASON WHY we went to visit with Cinita. And once again God told me to TRUST HIM.
That was a HUGE faith building experience. I learned so much. WHAT I WAS FEELING was right. Im not gonna doubt that. We needed to talk to them and share with them. Even though Cinita didnt want baptism... I have faith that someday her heart will be open to the church. ITS ALL ABOUT THE TIMING OF GOD. WE JUST GOTTA TRUST. 

Soo yaaa. Anyways.. this week was fun! Me and my comp have had sooo mnay fun times together. :) We started out a little rough but now were seriously like best friends! WE LAUGH A LOT!!! :D 
I feel like my time is running out in Lima. :/ Ive been so stressed because in my blessing from Presidente Gonzalez he said that there were specific people that needed me in Lima. And all I could think about was... WHO ARE THESE SPECIFIC PEOPLE IN LIMA?!! Ive only baptized kids!! And then I had to stop myself. Whoaahh Marie. How selfish am I. Kids are just as important as the adults. GOD LOVES ALL OF HIS CHILDREN. Sure, there are a lot of doubts with kids.. like if theyre gonna keep goin to church their whole life.. if theyre gonna get married in the temple. And so once again I specifically asked Padre Celestial for his protection over Analia, Wanda, Ludmila, Facundo and Damian(His baptism is this saturday:)) 
Man. This overwhelming spirit of love came over me. I closed me eyes and in my head I saw Jesus hugging each and every one of his precious children starting with Analia, then Wanda then Lumi then Facu and then Damian. I couldnt help but think that these kids are gonna turn out okay. And I have all the faith in the world for them. Each of their confirmation blessings Mama Marie was bawling. Because they all talked about the future and how they will all be examples in their families. Im honored that I got to work with these sweet spirits. Tambien with their parents.. who I know someday will join/come back to church. 
Anyways as I was saying my time is running out. :( I feel soooooo much pressure. LIKE, WHAT DO I NEED TO BE DOING my last week here?! But who knows if Im leaving or not?!! And the answer came to me as I was talking with my companion. ¨¨Just love my daughter Patricia YOUR COMP.¨¨ Holy smokes!! It was so clear and simple. And heres my answer to Dios. YOU BET YER BOTTOM DOLLAR  I WILL!! Im GOING TO love and serve and build up my companion the best I possibly can. Whats soo beautiful about serving your comp, is that NO ONE can see your service. Its a silent service that only God can see.  Its hard cause as missionaries we want the praise for baptisms and high callings.. but I want what God wants. And if God asks me to do one more little service in Lima.. I'LL do it. The words will forever be engraven in my heart: I WANT WHAT YOU WANT.

Oh my WORD. Primary was horrible yesterday. Really words dont do justice here.  It was a scene out of a horror/comedy movie.  Just try to imagine the scene  The elders brought their investigadores to church and theyre all a bunch of the naughtiest kids you could ever imagine!! 
THEY ARE ALL LOCOS!!! Three of the kids were running around in the church screaming the worst swear words imaginable¨ flipping everyone INCLUDING the stake president off.  Me my comp and the elders are chasing them through the church.YOU SHOULDVE SEEN US.. THE FOUR MISSIONARIES RUNNING AFTER THESE LITTLE PUNKS. I didnt know if I wanted to laugh or cry. Oh and to make it all better... a herd of dogs came running into the chapel. Oh boy. What a day yesterday.  So by the end it was swearing argentine children, four mortified missionaries, and a pack of dogs who kept circling the stake president.  I didnt know if I was chasing the kids, or running away from the dogs.  At one point I saw a kid flipping the stake president off, I froze.  I couldnt move.  And I looked at the elders who were laughing so hard they had tears running down their faces.  I was unable to laugh until later, but when I replay the nightmare in my mind, it chokes me up with giggles.  It will go down in the history books of disasters and for the record, I blame the elders.  Who I have really grown to like.  They have a humbleness and humor that has blessed Lima.