Monday, January 26, 2015

What I love.....

buen dia mis amores!!!
como andan!!??!

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY PEEPS!! Thats soo cool you had your anniversary this week.because I got thinking.. the main lesson weve been teaching last week.. was MATRIMONIO!!  I LOVE PREACHING ABOUT MARRIAGE! Our main desafio en nuestro area is that NO ONE, not even their dogs,or the dogs children,  want to get married. Yesterday I bore my testimony about how thankful I am that I have two parents that were married. They knew that it wasnt gonna be perfect, but they put in their trust and did it! It really is a big beautiful symbol of our relationship with God. When we are baptized we know we are not gonna be perfect but we take a giant courage pill and go for it. :) It shows a lot of courage and confidence in the relationship:) AND I had forgotten it was your guys anniversary!

 DAN CLARK skyped us in a reunion we had with the missionaries that are leaving this transfer and the next. He told the most inspiring story and it got me sooo excited to keep going and keep working! :) He said when he had 3 months he was put with the ap and they went to open this area. The ap had a goal to have a baptism (no one had baptized in his mission) so they worked sooooooooo hard that whole transfer and shared the Book of Mormon with everyone! His comp went home with 0 baptisms. BUT the next week Dan and his new comp had a second visit with somone that had found in the last transfer and this guy ended up getting baptized ALONG WITH 13 OTHER PEOPLE. ahhhh isnt that amazing! It all started with this ap and his goal to work hard and find people to baptize until the end!! I dont know why but i feel like God had something prepared for me this next transfer:)  IM PUMPED!!

This morning i was studying in John 13 when Jesus is washing his disciples feet. verse 14 struck me sooo hard:   
14 If then, your Lord and Masterhave washed your feet; ye also ought to wash one another’s feet.

Think about it.. if Jesus... who knows our dirty feet perfectly and washes them.. we should do the same to others.  Get crouched down on your knees and see people on their lowest level and really try to understand and love them.   Look at their imperfections and love them and serve them anyway and LOVE THEM TO CHRIST.  When we truly feel this freeing feeling that our feet have been washed.. we need to stand up and find feet that havent experienced this clean and free feeling. :) Jesus taught us that when we are converted we need to strengthen our brethern. I HAVE TASTED the sweet taste of the atonement and have felt the peace that comes when Jesus forgives me of my sins. Its my honor these next two months,. to go and find dirty feet.. get down and wash them  with the help of the  grace of Jesus CHrist. :) Feets kindof on my mind lately.  Have I mentioned my feet are killing me? Oh yah, lots of times. ;)

I love Argentina.  I love ALL the people and their AMAZING accent.  I love the crazy drunk guys we see every day. I LOVE AND WILL SO MISS the crazy parrots that always say hi to us and whistle at us, ITS THE BEST.  I love the blazing hot sun and the humidity.  I love that my hair blows up and is a giant frizz ball, its our daily dose of humor.  I love that everyone in Rincon call me Terry.  I love asado.  I love the murgas that go on in our area and love walking on the street to the beat of their drums.  I love being able to feel the spirit.  I love the pretty sunsets of Argentina.  They take your breath away. Ii love the crazy kids and that run in the street half naked and dirt all over their face with the biggest smiles. Its pure joy.  I love the humble people in my area.  I love talking and laughing with my comp.  I love it when she teaches me latin dances.  I love the members and interestingly enough I love all their drama. :) Yip they got it over here too.   I love smiling 24 hours in the day( me and Elf).
 I love walking.  I love coming home feeling dead tired.  I love planning, praying, studying, eating, sleeping for our investigadores.   I love the cheese here.   I love the amazing members in Buenos Aires.   I love Peruvians and their food.   I love latinos.   I love love love Argentines.   I love their strong roots from Italy.   I love to study and to learn about Jesus. I love being able to take the sacrament and close my eyes and feel a hug from Jesus every single week. I love that Jesus atoned for my sins. I love Jesus. I love my Heavenly Father. I love my mission.
I LOVE MY MISSION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:) so much love. :):)

LOVE, HERMANA TERRYBLE     CARRY ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, January 19, 2015

Vibrant life verses existing

Hola Familia como andan?!!!

ITS RAINING TODAY! AHH IM so happy. :) The rain is such a relief from the scorching heat.
OKay so this week was good.:) I will be honest.  Im not sleeping well for some reason.  My toe is causing me alot more pain than maybe it should.  Grrrrr! I broke my shoes yesterday.  They almost made it the full eighteen months.  Im really sad they couldnt finish the last two with me.  Because they have been everywhere Ive been on this mission ;)  It almost seems unfair for those poor little shoes.

OKay so I just wanna say Norberto is on fire!!!! :) Hes so pumped to go to the temple! When we told him about baptisms for the dead.. he got all teary eyed and talked about how hes excited to do the work for his parents cause he loves his parents so much! AHH ES UN AMOR!!! :):) love him with all of my heart. we call him tio nor :)  We are working hard and have several new investigators.  I love my companion.  She is a bundle of light.  Im so blessed even if everything isnt perfect, I have more than I could hope for.

okay soo this is super short! im sorry! But i just wanna share you a verse i found this morning:) 

alma 37:47:
¨¨Look to God and live.¨¨
I think alot of times we just exist.  Its different than living a vibrant life of love through God.  Its a short verse with alot of deep meaning.
Ok just a couple more from my study

Revelation 22:4-5 They will see his face, and his name will be on their foreheads. And night will be no more. They will need no light of lampor sun, for the Lord God will be their light, and they will reign forever and ever.
Romans 8:18  For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.

i hope we have this engrained in our hearts. :) 
love you folks!  Carry On

Monday, January 12, 2015

My Argentine Grandpa

Dear Family,
WOW this week was so fantastic. :) First I had my second toenail surgery. HAHAHA Oh did I neglect to tell you about the first?  Oopsie!  Well this one was much better, less painful,  but the doc drugged my toe super good so I didnt feel anything:) He did cut a fourth of my toenail out so that was fun. :) I was praying a ton this week so that my toe would get better and that I would be able to walk! Its crazy what faith can do. I was able to heal fast and this week we had the most beautiful baptism of Norberto. :):) NORBERTO IS A HUGE AMAZING MIRACLE!
Okay so we call him abuelo cause im truly convinced he was my third Argentine grandpa in the premortal life. :) This week he sent like 100 messages saying he was so excited to follow Jesus and be baptized. Ahhh es un amor. I love this little man. The day of his baptism we were out working and we saw NORBERTO on his crutches walking to the chapel. I felt the biggest burning in my chest telling me that this man is sooo prepared and so dedicated to be baptized. His house to the chapel is super far away and to see him traveling with his crutches.. made my heart melt. He came an hour early to his baptism. :) It was alot of physical work for him and he did it gladly.
OKay so his baptism was so special. Hes a little man in crutches so we were a little worried how he could be dunked in the water but the hermano who baptized him held him so gently and gracefully dunked his whole body in the water. It was as if he was craddling a little baby. Tears just remembering the scene.  Norberto held perfectly still. When he came out of the water he was so calm and so happy. What I love about Norberto is that hes not afraid to cry.. just like my Dad:) He said hes never felt better in his whole life. :)
And then his confirmacion:) wow it was sooo sweet. After his blessing he sat down right next to me.. put his hand over his face and just started TO SOB. It was so cute! He couldnt stop the tears! It made me cry! How could you not cry witnessing such a vulnerable real cry?  His spirit was soooo strong. Ahh God is so good.
I asked Norberto why did he change his mind and decide to be baptized.  When we would pass by his house we always said hi to him and asked him how he was doing. He said that he began to feel so much love every time we passed by. And when matamoros came to tigre and we said hi to just hit him. And thats why he stopped us. It was the love that he felt from us that helped him decide to be baptized. People its the little things. Never give up on people. Never tire in doing good works. Poco a poco they will feel your love and they will change in Gods time. :) Ya know sometimes I stress on the mission and wonder if IM doing everything I can to help Gods children.. but Norberto is an example that yes. Yes its possible. WHERE THERE IS LOVE THERE ARE MIRACLES. Sometimes we love people selfishly where we just want them to make us feel good and do what we want them to do.  That is not really love.  Love is about unconditionally valuing their worth and who they are the respecting Gods plan and time for them.  Love treats people with tender care that are struggling. THis morning I opened up my bible and God told me something very important:
 And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing.

 13 And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity.
I know that success is when we feel the pure love of christ. :) 

OKay I just have to tell ya'll another story. We have a family in the branch se llama la familia LUNA. They are my best friends cause they give great lunches and they just love the hermanas. :) ITs the mom and all of her 8 kids but its only her and her youngest Valentina who is 16 that live together. One day we came to their house and Valentina was alone and looked super sad. She didnt say anything until her mom came home and told us that she got married the other day! WOW. I always used to tease her and her boyfriend about getting married but I didnt think they would actually do it. Something wasnt right about this story. The mom with tears in her eyes told us that Valentina was 4 months pregnant. I had no idea.She is so skinny you cant see anything. But What really got me was to see the unconditional love in the eyes of the mom. It was hard for her and her daughter.. But ya know what? Valentina is my hero. She took a big pill of courage, decided to make it right the best she knew how and to start and family with her new husband. They are both members so when I saw them sitting in sacrament I felt so happy that they were brave and ready to take on what would come. . Presidente Avila is my hero. He announced their wedding and was so kind about it. After church they had cake and empanadas. Everyone knew she was pregnant.. but you know what all the members did? They loved her, and hugged her, and were so kind to her and Fernando. I was so impressed. I felt the love and the mercy that God has for his children in Tigre. These members are huge examples to me. Our ward is our family and when hard things happen to us I hope we dont judge, but just love no matter what happens. :)

So ya that was my week :)
love, hermana terryble!!!  CARRY ON CARRY ON CARRY ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 6, 2015


Dear family,

HERMANA TERRY loves TIGRE!!  I get to work in the great city of Tigre... TIGER. I got the eye of the tiger! God put me in TIGRE cause he knows i like to roar. :) haha okay dumb joke. :)

So okay let me just tell ya. I love Hermana Matamoros with all my heart.  Wow. Es una capa ella. We work soo good together! This week weve seen un mon ton de milagros! Let me just tell you one of them..

So we were walking en la calle anchorena and I see this antiguo investigador. When I saw him I immediately stopped and walked right to him. Its funny sometimes as a missionary, my body reacts first before I can even think. Man the spirit works in so many ways:) Okay so. we start talking to NORBERTO. He is 61 years old and he is the love of my life. Oh mi amor. Hes so precious. I cant handle it.- he uses crutches cause he has problems with his legs. AND GUESS WHAT HE TELLS US... HERMANITAS.. I know before I didnt want to get baptized.. but now I feel like I NEED to. WHAAATTTT????? After we left we gave a big long prayer to God and thanked him for sweet Norberto. Yesterday when we came to his house he was waiting for us. all ready in his suit. :) STUD. 
ladies and gentlemen.. Norberto will be baptized JANUARY 11. :) 
BRUNO AND EDWIN ARE SUCH PERFECT MEN. Theyre coming to church and preparing to receive the aaronic priesthood. HOLLA. 

Yesterday we were sitting in church and the lesson was about Repentance. :) Fabulous subject:):) There was one comment that my heart just couldnt take.. so at the end of the class Hermana Luna asked if there was anyone who wanted to bare their testimony. Noooobody went up so I got up there and spoke the feelings of my heart and said what I KNEW WAS TRUE. There are a lot of members here in Buenos Aires that think that they have to be perfect in order to know Christs grace. In my testimony I said that LA GRACIA DE JESUCRISTO ES GRATIS. HIS LOVE, HIS GRACE, AND HIS MERCY ARE A FREE GIFT HE EARNED WITH HIS SACRIFICE NOT OURS, AND HE GIVES FREELY!  And we sometimes forget the power of the atonement. We need to understand that the good things we do... come from the influence of THE GRACE that Jesus has given us. Its what motivates us to change. We cant change on our own and then receive his grace. Without his love and intervention we cannot truly change.  Without his grace we dont even have the desire to do good works, lest any man thinks his good works are his own.  The energy and ability you have to do it COMES FROM HIM AS A GIFT TO YOU!  I testify with all of my heart that Jesus grace is real. Its always there. And always fills us with more uderstanding on who he is and his atonement. I also said that sometimes I feel like Im a native and Ive lived in Argentina my whole life. :) Haha they laughed at that. And then I expressed the love I have for the people in Buenos Aires. I said that sometimes I feel like the people we teach who end up having these huge changes are purer than us. We are misisonaries.. We try to choose the right.. But i can honestly say Ive met some of the purest people in their hearts and intentions here in Argentina. It blows my mind to see the motivation these people have to change. THESE PEOPLE KNOW HOW TO USE GRACE. I hope we all can use his free gift of grace to help us become better and happier people. The people who know what the atonement is... HAVE USED IT. 
I love my mission. I love these people. I love God. 


love, terrybleeee HAPPY!  CARRY ON CARRY ON CARRY ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!