Monday, February 16, 2015

Be on time or Wait? Always Wait!

 My new Companion.  Folks, she is my soul sister.  We are just made to work together!
Dear Beloved family,

Life is going so good in LA BOCA! I have a story for ya! Last Monday we were so pumped to look for new investigators. We started being multidimensional and started sharing everyone WITH THE MEMBERS. :) . OKay so we found this chico named Gabriel. Hes 21. Gabriel has a baaaad attitude about life. But for some reason... I really feel a tender love for the kid. I see a lot of me in him! We invited him to church and didnt think much about it..
But Sunday comes around and somehow Heavenly Father helped me remember I needed to make an effort for him. SO I went with a member.. The fabulous Maria Stigliano and we went to find this kid Gabriel and bring him to church. Well we get there and its already 9:30.. and church starts a 9:30. I started getting nervous.. because I DID not wanna miss the sacrament. It really the one moment of the week I wait for.  I was panicking.  I prayed LIKE CRAZY and asked WHAT should I do?... LEAVE HIM and go to sacrament or WAIT for him. And a little answer floated into my head and said something like this. ¨¨He is my child. He is my son. WAIT for him. Marie always wait for my precious children.  Its so much more important than time limits.¨¨ SO.. we waited. We missed sacrament. But for the first time in my life.. I didnt feel bad? I did what GOD told me to do. We were able to bring a child of God to church. Gabriel accepted a date! And guess when it is... March 1.  Ahh pray for Gabriel. HE NEEDS A LOT OF LOVE.
Yesterday was really special. It was fun seeing all my old friends. They were all like... WHY ARE YOU BACK?! Is it because all of the other areas got sick of you??! haha:) Anyways yesterday we went to visit to recent converts that I had met back in June. Their names are Mica and Marianela. The brother of Mari died about a week ago. It was realllly hard on them. But they came to church yesterday cause they wanted to see me!! So we went to visit them after church. Guys.. we had the MOST INCREDIBLE VISIT. The spirit was sooo strong. I told them that I REALLY felt like GOD had prepared them before to be baptized and have a knowledge of HIS PLAN. Now that her brother has passed away, they are puting this knowledge to the test. I TESTIFIED that God knows his two little daughters in La Boca and maybe that was the reason why I came back. Was to help them REALIZE and make sure that they know and remember who they are and they know the purpose of life, and the reassurance that there is life after death. It was honestly one of the most heartbreaking things to see Marienela cry about her brother.. But what was amazing.. was the spirit that was in that room. IT WAS SO QUIET AND SO PEACEFUL.. NO ONE COULD EVEN MOVE. When one of us would talk it felt like pure power from God. It was one of those moments where I realized.. GOD really does watch out for his children and the spirit can heal all wounds.  WOW. I wish you guys couldve been there. I love these two precious daughters of God. Please pray for them by name, Mica and Marianela.

 I just have to brag about my companion. She is seriously soooo fun. Shes soo so nice to me!! Its the best to have a comp who really cares about me and bonus we can speak English for the first time in seventeen months! We work like gold together! Im sooooo blessed to have Hermana Espinsoa. Shes going to do amazing things on this mission. It rips me apart to think I will be leaving it next month, but oh what beautiful reassurance that it is being left in the hands of this sweet angel and so many like her.  I swear that girl has a gift with people. SHE TALKS TO EVERYONE. EVERYONE! I swear we give away like 100 invitaions a day. By the end of this year all of Argentina is gonna know who this chica really is. SPREAD THE GOSPEL LIKE ESPINOSA LO HACE. YAA.
loves!! Work with me this last month of my mission and lets all do somthing miraculous in the next forty days.  I DARE YOU!  LOVE YOU GUYS!  Carry On!

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