Monday, February 2, 2015

Hold on! He will come.

Buen dia familia!!

So I went to EFY this week. haha isnt that so sad! My first time at efy and Im on the mission:)YOU NEED PACK YOUR BAGS AND SIGN UP FOR EFY NOW cause it will change your life. Bueno.. President asked me to share my testimony on the age change and how I got my answer to serve a mission. QUE EMOCION! Ill never forget the feelings I felt when President Monson announced the age change. That day changed a lot of our lives. I shared my testimony about how God had a better plan for me and that was to serve a mission. I TESTIFIED that GOD IS PREPARING PEOPLE IN THE WORLD TO HEAR THE SWEET MESSAGE OF THE GOSPEL FROM OUR MOUTHS, AND FROM OUR UNIQUE PERSONALITIES.  WHAT I WASNT EXPECTING TO SAY at the end of my testimony was that I told all of the WOMEN who were in the room to say a prayer and ASK BOLDLY God if they should serve a mission. It was so interesting because I felt sooo strong that WE NEED MORE WOMEN MISSIONARIES.
I love speaking in front of people.especially in Spanish. Hey future husband..if youre out there somewhere and  reading this... lets serve a mission in South America together someday OK? . thanksbye.

 This whole transfer weve been working with the members to find eligidos por medio de ellos.  We havent seen the fruit from our labors.. But this week we did!!! You guys know Ale:) Bueno! Ale has a sobrina that is 12 years old. Her name is Melina. I have almost 4 months here in Tigre and Ive seen this little girl on her bike every day since Ive been here. She invited us in her house and taught her and her mom about the plan of salvation because her 14 year old son just passed away. :( It was one of the most spiritual lessons I have had The mom is not quite ready because she still feels mad at God for taking her son. But were gonna keep working with her! MELINA her daughter.. asked us if she could be baptized. She was so happy cause she told us she feels like she needs to change and be better. Mi amor. Little 12 year old girl who literally RAN to ALe´s house to tell him that shes gonna get baptized. And then she ran to the her friends and told the whole world shes gonna get baptized. :) It was seriously the sweetest thing. I honestly feel bad I had never talked to her before. But Im happy that God trusts us with his children. It makes me s happy that as we strive to work more with the members... we can bring their whole family to the waters of baptism. I know that Ale´s sister and his sobrina will be baptized and will return to their beloved family member someday.:):):)Eternal families are the reason I came here.  Gracias Dios.

You know what I love? Listening to people and really trying to understand them. I love that everyone has their own story. I think thats the biggest most rewarding thing we have as missionaries, and that is the gift of listening. And when we listen, we will know exactly what to say. We know how the gospel can be applied in their lives. We know, BECAUSE WEVE LIVED IT. As a missionary Ive realized that God has truly given us the opportunity to really feeeeeeel the pains of the people we meet. Its 100% necessary. Our Savior, Jesus Christ knows our pains perfectly thats why he has perfect empathy and as representatives of Jesucristo, God gives us the tiniest slice of what Jesus felt. Yesterday we talked to a man who has been having suicidal thoughts. Guys, this man is SO successful. He has everything going for him, and yet he feels so inadequate. He cant forgive himself. for his life mistakes.  He cant love himself.. He just started crying in front of us. Ive never seen a grown man cry so hard in my life. It was the saddest thing. Me and HM really tried to comprehend this mans pain. At the end of this visit ,he told us that last night he was standing in the middle of the railroad.. waiting for the train, he heard the words come into his head.. ¨¨"ITS ALL JUST A PROCESS"¨¨ Now he is trying hard to trust in our loving Heavenly Father who put these words in his head. I testify with all my heart that OUR LIFE IS A PROCESS. All I could tell this man was, WAIT! WAIT ON THE LORD!! I PROMISE HE WILL COME. HE WILL NOT LEAVE US COMFORTLESS HE WILL COME TO US!! Everyone has different timing in their process.. BUT I KNOW in the end.. everything is fair and that Gods grace covers ALL.  This man has so much worth. He is a son of God. And God has not forgotten him. We have to trust that it will get better. So many times in our lives we feel like we need to fix it all at once.. but its a PROCESS. And when we feel like God has abandoned us, we need to remember that our own Savior, Jesus Christ felt the same way while he was on the cross and said,¨¨My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me?¨¨I know that we all need to go through this feeling in our lives IN ORDER TO UNDERSTAND THE ATONEMENT. HIS LOVE AND HIS GRACE CAN BRIGHTEN THE MOST DARKEST PATCHES OF OUR LIVES. ONCE AGAIN I TESTIFY THAT GOD WILL NEVER LEAVE US COMFORTLESS.. HE WILL COME TO US -- IN HIS OWN TIME.  But I promise you, form the bottom of this little missionary heart, HE IS COMING TO YOU! 

:):) love you!! have a good week!!
love,hermana terryble :)  CARRY ON CARRY ON CARRY ON!!!!!!!

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