Tuesday, March 3, 2015


My dearest family,
HAPPY MARCH! Did you guys know that twelve years yesterday I WAS BAPTIZED BY THE BEST MAN IN THE WORLD?!! :) Ahh what a sweet day:)
SOOO many amazing miracles this week. Gods really blessing me and Hermana Espinosa and I dont know whyyy! So many things we dont deserve!
So i have a little story for you guys about a little old man named.. JULIO. Do you guys remember Julio?? WE FOUND HIM before with Hermana Gonzalez.. and never got baptized because he couldnt quit smoking and drinking. WELL guess what ladies and gentlemen... we found Julio AND guess what he says to me... ¨¨CHERRY!!!! IVE MISSED YOU!!¨¨ and this cute little old man started to cry. He told me he really loved me like I was his granddaughter. I cry to because I love him like a grandaughter. He told me I was the only person that was nice to him. Ahh mi amor. Oh my gosh guys. It was such a healing real  moment. I came back to La Boca for him. I told him I loved him and that we were gonna do everything we can do help him quit smoking (HE STOPPED DRINKING ALL BY HIMSELF. STUD.) Guess what? When we first visited him he had been smoking 20 cigs a day. guess how much he smoked the next day? 5. and the next? ONLY 2!!!! AHHHHHH. PLEASE PRAY FOR JULIO! WERE PLANNING HIS BAPTISM THIS SUNDAY!!! :)
okay.. also were planning a baptism for Gabriel.. ya the 21 yr old. HE HAS CHANGED SO MUCH. He used to be a punk and not listen to us.. but now hes asking questions like.. what do i need to do if i wanna serve a mission. Working with gabriel has been a roller coaster. but God put an image in my mind of Gabriel as a missionary. and we both feel very strong we need to keep going with him. Ahh please pray for this kid. I feel strongly I would like him to be ok before I leave.
OKAY so yesterday we went to visit the familia Gonzalez. Brisa (9 years old. Shes an angel:)) answers the door and we start talking with her. She loves church! She told me she feels a tingly feeling when she sings in primary. :) mi amor. The rest of her siblings and her mom.. are a little harder to work with cause theyre all so busy doing other things. So please pray for the mom and her brothers to LISTEN to us and follow the example of their little sister, :) Lautaro.. is one that were teaching and he is 15 years old. we asked Brisa where he was and she told us that he was in the Plaza. This is something I didnt fully understand about Lautaro. Do you know why he didnt come to church yesterday? Because he was out ALL NIGHT in the streets. DO YOU KNOW WHAT happens on the streets of LA boca late at night?? YA DONT WANNA KNOW!!!!!  Next thing I know.. we were walking to the Plaza where Lautaro was supposed to be. There was a moment where I felt a lot of fear. Last night LA boca had a big soccer game and the streets were CROWDED with drunk men. My heart ached to know the fact that this little boy, Lautaro, was lost in the plaza, most likely smoking, doing drugs or drinking. Where was Lautaro? Where on earth could this boy be? We were calling his name almost desperate to find this young boy. I literally felt like his mom. But the truth is, his mom could care less. His whole family judges him and tells him hes a bad kid. I felt so much love for that boy. 2 little missionaries searching  just to make sure this boy is safe. It really made me realize that GOD LOVES US.. and he watches over his children .My heart ached to know that Lautaro was lost at the Plaza.. doing a lot of things.. but I also had this confidence that God was gonna protect him and that everything was gonna be alright. Did you know Lautaro stayed up LATE at night reading the book of mormon? Hes just screaming for help.. but doesnt know where to find it. His life is scary and difficult, and he turned to the Book of Mormon in a dark night for peace.  This is powerful stuff people.
I can honestly say Im so in love with my investigators. All we want is to help them.  Not everyone on earth has as loving of an earthly father as I have, but those who dont, learn a whole new life and understanding of what real love is, as they discover this all loving, all healing Heavenly Father who is so desirous of a personal loving relationship with them.   AHH HERE goes for another week in the work!!! :) WOOHOO I LOVE THE MISSION!
CHERRY. haha. CARRY ON CARRY ON CARRY ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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